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Course Goal:


Teachers will be able to use a blended learning model of instruction to create a more student-centered learning environment that promotes a student's intrinsic motivation to learn .


Course Impact:


I chose to create a blended learning course primarily because I did not want this opportunity to be wasted on something that I wouldn’t actually use. My innovation plan is to introduce the teachers in my district to the possibilities of blended learning and to increase awareness for the benefits that student agency can have on learning.  I hope to move our students from being primarily passive receivers of information to being much more active in the learning process, directly involved in the decisions about their own learning. For this reason, I chose to carefully think about what information I would need to share with teachers and design the course that I hope to use with the blended learning pilot group this summer.  I will then gather feedback from the pilot group to help guide changes or improvements so that other teachers may also benefit from the course.


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