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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Safford

Growing Together

One of my favorite assignments has been getting to see everyone's site creations in the DLL 5303 class. We have struggled together and admitted things about ourselves and our learning that has probably forced us out of our comfort zone a little. I have really enjoyed getting to see everyone's work. I know that I have grown in my understanding of the purpose and utility of an eportfolio and I can only assume that everyone else has had a similar experience. As I look back at what I had in 5302, it is apparent that I have arrived at a much different realization than I had in the beginning. This development over time has only been amplified by the class discussions and online meetings. Working along beside others and having incite into their thought process has enabled me to refine and questions my own ideas. This collaboration and discussion is exactly what has lead to my personal growth and learning. I hope to be able to share this experience with other teachers in my district and encourage a similar atmosphere of shared learning as I interact and work with them.

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