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  • Writer's pictureJanelle Safford

Models, Artists, Photographers...Educators?

Updated: Nov 7, 2017

As I was reading through some of the readings for my class this week, I had sort of an epiphany.  I can honestly say that I have not had experiences with models, artists, photographers, freelance writers or graphic designers.  However, I suddenly realized that now I do have something in common with all of these professions.  Their chosen fields require a portfolio submission as an integral part of their resumes.  In these professions, applying for a job without a portfolio would not even be a consideration.  An artist might demonstrate a collection of his artwork that displays technique, style, ability to portray mood, etc.  A photographer would of course submit a collection of photos taken from various angles and using various lighting techniques.  A model would demonstrate his or her ability to capture the attention of the prospective buyer of the goods that are being modeled.  All of these are examples of how these professions demonstrate their abilities to prospective employers or possibly just a collection of how they have improved in their fields over time.  

So what are educators demonstrating with ePortfolios?  To answer that question you must understand that an educator is not simply someone who disseminates information to others.  Educators should be professionals that love to learn and whose job it is to guide other people’s (students or adults) learning.  

In much the same way as a seasoned artist’s work will change and develop over time, a teacher’s style and skill will also develop and improve over time.  An Eportfolio is the evidence of an educator’s journey over time.  It journals the process of learning and serves as an example and guide to demonstrate to others how that process evolves over time.  I think if we as educators if we claim to be experts in learning, then we should have evidence of our own learning.  How else will we be able to understand the process of learning so that we can demonstrate and teach students how to reflect and connect their own learning over time.  We must walk the walk, if we are going to talk the talk!

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